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Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Mitt Romney is Fuel to the American Fire

Mitt Romney is Fuel to the American Fire
Personally, I just don’t trust Mitt Romney; I think he is a snake. I think he is addicted to making money and he plans to do just that as President of the United States through regulatory benefits for the sake of his businesses and associates. I’m pretty sure he wants to do all his deeds and damages in one term, knowing that he could never be reelected for a second term.

I am certain that Mitt Romney does not have the best interest of average America at heart. He is so far out of reach with an average American that the loss and misfortune of most of us is but a joke to him. He cannot imagine the devastation of losing a job, or needing government assistance, or even just struggling every day to buy groceries and support a family.

With that said, I think he has a knack for what he does, although there should be legal stipulations to prevent that sort of vulture capitalism; a company tasked with raising investor capitol for another company or group should be fined hugely if that company fails as a result of the company’s intervention.

He generates wealth for the wealthy and I don’t really think that that makes him a good business leader. Business is not his business – making money is his business. I think he is well connected and I think he has alliances with all sorts of companies, organizations, associations, etc. with promises to keep. Again, none of this is good for Americans or the economy at large.

I agree with President Obama and his staff: being able to raise capital for investors is a talent, maybe, but it is not the objective of the President of the United States, nor should it even be a concern.

The economy is already at the point of total collapse. We are pretty much left with two options, fix it with band aids (bailouts) or simply watch some giants collapse. Mitt Romney would like to choose the third option: change the game for personal and associational gains, run the entire economic structure of America into the dirt in less than four years, and then jump ship with all his profits and cronies without apologizing for a thing.

Mitt Romney does not need to be considered for President of the United States.


  1. Mitt Romney has never been my first choice. So far with the two big parties I don't see any choice I like much. For the first time in 20 years I may go back to voting for an alternate party candidate to make my statement. Republican or Democrat is just part of the big machine that doesn't offer the best options for the future of America.

    An A to Z Co-Host
    Tossing It Out

  2. This post makes me sad, as it criticizes Romney for his intentions, which who could you possibly know them without personally knowing him? I feel like his character has proven throughout his career and personal life to be integritous and trustworthy- and really has Americans in his best interest, even above himself. It is a shame that all politicians form allegiances, but that is not something that is unique to him. I personally defend and stand by Romney- I think he is an impressive leader, and obama's campaign to attack his professional experience, making it seem like a flaw is pathetic. We need someone to come and clean up the economic mess we're in- and I believe he's totally qualified, and

  3. ...the man for the job. (sorry, cut off the end of my thought!)

    Hope you don't mind a little friendly debate :)

  4. I don't think any of the candidates are qualified for the job. Including our current president. Our gonvernment is not a government anymore. It is a corporation... The people who are in office are there with their own personal agendas. And to me it does not seem that their agendas include the voice of the People or America's best intrests. You mentioned in earlier posts the need for down-sizing our government, a need for a seperation of church and state, and a need for equality for all Citizens of this great country. I agree, and I don't believe any of the candidates are going to take us in those directions. I will be penciling in my own vote this time around. I am not going to give my vote to anyone who I think is apt to further the corpratization or militarization of this country.

  5. Marce, I welcome friendly debate - thanks for commenting!

    First of all, my mother agrees with you completely! We had a conversation about him tonight and she told me pretty much what you have said about him. I agree that I cannot actually know his intentions, but I just have a bad idea about him. I feel like he is not a person that stands for the middle class or has the interest of the whole country in mind. I also feel like he is not a business leader and job creator as he is a financial expert, which I feel under qualifies him, sort of. I hope I'm wrong! Romney could be the lesser of two evils bit I fear he is worse... Maybe he will actually do some good, if elected. At this point, I couldn't honestly say which candidate I will vote for, but right now it is not looking too good for Romney from me... haha


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