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Thursday, May 24, 2012

Near Death Experiences Seem True; Always Recounted Consistently

Before I saw this video, I used to watch a show called I Survived. In the show, people recall a near death experience and I noticed a consistency that was amazing to me: almost every person that explained what they experienced during a brief clinical death pretty much described the exact same experience, in variations. It is truly uncanny.

I Survived can be watched on Hulu.

My sister died at almost three years of age when I was younger. I remember my mother telling me about my sister’s last moments in this life. When she died, I experienced a sort of multi-location; I was in an adjacent room with my father, but I clearly recall “being in the room” with my mother and my sister during those last moments because I have a visual memory of everything she described.

(I also have visual memories of family members receiving the call to come to the hospital. I just felt like I was in several places at the same time, and I realized in the days that followed that I had overlapping and impossible memories. Years later I learned of bi- and multi-location and became comfortable with the idea that I had experienced that phenomenon.)

From what I “saw” and my mother recounts, my sister, who had been delirious and unresponsive for a couple of hours, suddenly began to look up into the air and sort of talk. She would mumble, as if saying something, and then pause for a while, occasionally nodding her head affirmatively before mumbling again. Her eyes were locked on something above her. She was having a conversation with someone that we couldn’t see.

After this continued for several moments, my sister turned her head to look at my mother, making a connection with someone for the first time since she initially became delirious, and she drew her last breathe.

My mom had strong feelings that my Grandmother, who died days before I was born, was in the room with everyone that day. She thinks that she came to take my sister. That is exactly what it “looked like” and felt like to me. I do know that she was talking to someone or something – someone or something came to give my sister peace in dying and to take her away from this world.

I recount this story because it seems to me to be consistent with the various near death experiences that I have heard recounted to me. I somehow witnessed my sister (while not physically in the room) have a conversation with someone, but she was not allowed to come back – she was only allowed to look back one last time.

1 comment:

  1. What a beautiful story---I've lost several close family members over the years, so there is much comfort in this. Thanks for sharing!


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