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Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Bain Capital is Relevant to the Romney Campaign

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It is absolutely an important aspect of the Romney campaign. When hiring an employee, the work history is always reviewed to get an idea of types of experiences and situations the potential employee has had in the past. When review applications for the President of the United States, We the People absolutely need to review the job history. If Mitt Romney has nothing to hide, he would be forth coming about his time at Bain Capital.

A good point was raised today by Governor Ed Rendell on the MSNBC show Morning Joe, stating that looking into Bain Capital is relevant to Mitt Romney’s campaign:
"Let me give you one example: Amped. $100 million in profit, lots of people lost jobs, but they also lost a good portion of their pension and health care. Did it ever occur to anybody, Governor Romney or anybody else, that maybe we take $80 million in profit and leave $20 million so these folks can have their pensions and health care? I think that’s a value judgment."
It absolutely is a value judgment and it is a value that I cannot accept in a presidential candidate! That is what Romney does for a living. That is why all Americans should be outraged that this man, who prides himself on raising capital for investors, thinks he is Presidential material. Mitt Romney does not care about you.

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