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Friday, May 25, 2012

Gay Nightclub Bans Straight Bachelorette Parties until Same-Sex Marriage Legalized

The Abbey, a gay nightclub in West Hollywood, California, has taken an interesting stance in the name of gay rights. They have chosen to ban straight bachelorette parties until same-sex marriage is legalized in the state of California.

The Abbey has always welcomed everyone, straight or gay, and normally hosts several straight bachelorette parties at night, but owner David Cooley says that the parties are over until marriage is fair for all in the state of California:
“We love our straight girlfriends coming in to celebrate one of the happiest days of their life, but it’s also a slap in the face to my customers and my life that we can’t have that same celebration.”
The stance taken by the gay night club has received mixed reviews from within the gay community and people all across the nation. Some relate to the fact that gay couples cannot be married and others have pointed out that it is a way of taking away rights of others, which is an unfair way to make a point.

I think it is a great idea and something that many people could support, but in the end I think it will cause the nightclub to lose a little money. How long do they plan to ban a major source of revenue? Gay marriage is still an issue that is heavily fought against by all the people who forgot about the separation of church and state, so I am guessing that they will have to be holding out for a while…

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