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Tuesday, May 29, 2012

North Carolina Threatens First Amendment by Trying to Silence a Blogger

Was Dear Abby columnist Abigail Van Buren breaking the law by sharing her advice with readers all over the country? The state of North Carolina seems to think so...

In December 2011, diabetic blogger Steve Cooksey created a Dear Abby style advice column where he offers his readers advice on diabetic eating and lifestyles. The state of North Carolina took issue with this and the State Board contacted Cooksey stating that he could not offer advice, freely or with compensation, as it was engaging in an unlicensed, criminal practice of dietetics. They also pointed out that private phone calls and exchanges of emails were illegal, as well as his paid life-coaching service.

I believe that this is absolutely asinine and a weak and pathetic attempt by the State of North Carolina to collect any penny they can find, in this case through licensing fees. You cannot take away the rights of free speech to Americans in this country. If I want to start an advice column on raising children (something I have never done and have no knowledge of) if is my constitutional right to do so. Any new parents have the option of reading what I have to say, considering that I have no education or experience in the matter, and take it for what it’s worth or laugh and keep moving. Either way, I would not be breaking any laws by simply speaking, or exercising my right to free speech.

At minimum, he should be required to have disclaimers stating that he is not a licensed dietician and that his comments have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.

The Institute of Justice is working with the blogger to fight for his first amendment right.

North Carolina, leave this man alone!

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