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Friday, May 18, 2012

Let Big Business Fail & Let the Little Man Win

In order for America not fail, there has to be drastic change. It doesn’t necessarily have to be violent, drastic change, but it will be violent if nobody ever takes charge of the situation and provides solutions. The change that America quite desperately needs is for small business to become the new big business. It is a solution that really has the best interest of everyone in America at heart, a solution that in itself embraces and teaches tolerance and togetherness…

It may seem absurd to say that allowing huge industries to completely topple during a blunder or downtown is the best solution to create jobs and maintain a steady economy. But thinking in terms of small business, the little man needs this to happen. “Well, the Little Man can’t provide as many jobs as the Big Man!”

That is correct. And that is also the core concept behind my theory that the Little Man needs to shine! In order for our economy to truly work, everyone needs to play together. In our current situation, not everybody gets to play together. The same large companies that claim to have all of the jobs are contracting work outside of our country. The class divides are deepening and the growth rates are bottom fat. What this country needs is pride, dignity, and jobs right here in America!

This may mean letting larger industries that have built beyond the capacity of sustainability to fail – that is what is supposed to happen. Businesses are not supposed to thrive outside the ability to sustain itself.

We need an economy that is based on thriving local communities. We need smaller government at the federal and state levels. We need less grandiosity in our White House and government buildings and places of employment. Dare I say that this country needs some damn common sense!

One of the major problems with America and the world at large is our eating problem. Which directly correlates with our obesity epidemics, our diabetes epidemics, our cancer epidemics, our birth defect epidemics, our mental health epidemics, and need I continue.

By encouraging more local, smaller farms that can support small markets within our cities and communities, and by allowing our economy to shift in such a way that the Little Man can live within that system, we start a chain of events that encourage more radical, positive change. We will see less health problems by eating healthy, supporting our local economy by doing so, and seeing an end to the MegaStores and the processed foods and the excess that we currently condone, at the expense of our own dignity.

In a system where each community supports itself, the Little Man has to thrive. We need to limit an individual’s ability to own multiple businesses. A person cannot physically be in two locations at once, by owning two, does he not prohibit another from running that business? It’s greed.

Again this sounds radical, but it is what sets off a chain of events that ends up, well, like our current situation at hand. If we truly want equally, we have to live in a system that promotes it! The smaller systems are also going to promote other changes like better educational environments, increased community and national pride, and maybe a little more overall dignity.

Yes dignity. Our current system of struggles has robbed most Americans over there very dignity. Dignity thrives within the Little Man, we just have to allow him to survive, or continue to watch our big business model drive our country right into the ground.

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