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Monday, May 28, 2012

Mermaids Exist, Are Descendants of Primitive Humans

I watched a program on Animal Planet tonight about this group of scientist from NOAA, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, conducting studies on mass beaching of whales happening in different parts of the world, seemingly for no reason. As it turns out, the Navy had been researching sonic booms under water, the blasts of which effectively disabled all animal life around them. The first occurrence of this was in Washington and two young boys arrived at the scene before any officials or scientific investigators.

One boy had a video phone and the two actually capture footage of their experience. You see the boy reach down to pick up a stick and then walk over to this odd looking creature. The boy with the phone zooms in closer to the creature and it looks like the hand sort of moves a bit. The boy looks at his friend with the phone and you see the creature lift up and reach for the boy while shrieking, the boy gets freaked out and both start to run away.

I’ll be honest, the first time I saw the video I though CGI. I was almost certain the video was faked, but when I watched it again, I cannot see any signs of alteration or blurriness, it just simply looks like something that should be CGI. It also looked pissed and angry.

[NOTE: As I am coding this article and adding the video, I've decided it looks faked as hell, but I still think that what happened is real. I think all of the videos in the program were recreated. I do remember wondering how a video from a phone in 2004 looked so clear...]

The program also contains a former high-up member of the Navy, silhouetted and voice altered, who is corroborating this story of the boys being there (although he had no idea the boys captured this on video) and the fact that there was an odd creature captured from the beach that day and kept alive for some period of time thereafter in Navy facilities.

This creature was a mermaid.

They show another occurrence of a live mermaid caught on tape and although you only see a small part of it, it looked exactly like the other one. A third video was taken from a Navy crew member, and it just shows a webbed hand slap at the window of a boat or submarine. If all three videos are faked, the same person made them.

These scientists have concluded that these mermaids were actually primitive humans at one time that adapted to aquatic life. They theorize that this set of primitive humans was accustomed to fishing in the waters and living on the coast and volcanic activity forced them into the water. They evolved over time, becoming completely fish like.

There were many factors proving that these creatures were our ancestors and used to walk on land. Their tail fins had bones in them where no other sea animal does, recordings of their calls are unique and very complex – basically they exhibited dialog amongst themselves and with dolphins, something (yeah this is getting real technical, sorry) about their pelvic bones were shaped and formed to hold weight and was unique to them, their DNA was virtually the same as that of a human, they have hands and fingers, and there is more. All of the facts presented made me a believer today that mermaids are absolutely real, although the Navy may have (un)intentionally killed them all.

There is really a whole bunch more in the program, and I really suggest that you check it out!

After watching, I remembered reading something in a book that I recently started reading called The Secret History of the World. This book claims that there is a secret knowledge in the world that is protected through secret societies and it contains answers to a lot of the mysteries of human origins and life on this planet, and more.

What I remembered was quoted text from Berosus, a priest in Babylon at the time of Alexander the Great, describing a creature that emerged from the seashore named Oannes,
“whose whole body was that of a fish; under the fish’s head he had another head with feet also below similar to those of a man, subjoined to the fish’s tail. His voice and language were articulate and human; and representation of him is preserved even to this day...”

“This monster was accustomed to pass the day among men, but took no food then; and he gave them an insight into letters and sciences and arts of every kind. He taught them to construct cities; to found temples, to compile laws, and explained to them the principles of geometrical knowledge. He made them distinguish the seeds of the earth and showed them how to collect fruits; in short, he instructed them in everything which could soften manners and humanize their lives…”

“And when the sun had set this being Oannes retired again into the sea, and passed the night in the sea, for he was amphibious…” “After this appeared other animals like Oannes…”
There are also other references to mermaid like creatures from India, the ancient Phoenicians of the Dagon, Africa, and I’m sure there are more…

It is interesting to me just to know that they exist, but the writing above suggests that mermaids were unworldly. I prefer to think that they are just biological creatures, but maybe unworldly creatures intervened with certain ones and were empowered to give us messages.

The author goes on to point a reference to the book of Genesis, stating that that passage could be linked to the Berosus story, and I'm not really sure how I feel about that. Again, it makes sense to me that mermaids are our ancestors, but I'm not convinced that they were angels or extraterrestrials, which he goes on to assume. This also gives quite a new possibility to the City of Atlantis…

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