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Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Have we been left behind already?

I always have the strange feeling that the prophecies of the Revelations have already been fulfilled. We are a group of civilizations spiraling out of control, waiting on God to come back and save us, and he has already come and gone.

That may sound silly, but it could give reason why we fail to witness great miracles like the ones described in the Bible and other religious texts. It is a pretty doomed outlook on life, but as far as we know the Mayans did just disappear – was that the return of God to collect his chosen people and take them away to Heaven?

It seems to me, from the little I know of the Mayan culture, that they were very much about pleasing entities that were very much real to them. I feel strongly that they interacted with extraterrestrial beings, and if you can wrap your head around that idea, then the idea that these extraterrestrial beings are actually angels isn’t so hard to imagine. Aliens that can travel to us from a place we cannot yet discover could surely invent the lie, at least.


  1. Whether the Earth has been visited by extraterrestrial beings is an unfalsifiable hypothesis, but in my opinion if we use this hypothesis to explain everything that is otherwise inexplicable, we are denying the capacity of the human spirit for almost unlimited achievement. If the Maya had been "visited", and their cultural achievements were actually learned from their visitors, how come those same visitors never taught them about the wheel?

  2. That is definitely a great question and I have no answer.

    I will say that there are a lot of instances in the Bible and other ancient texts that I take to suggest that the angels and other beings existed and where from another place, which is why I chose to "go there" with the alien theory.

    But if the Mayans were to be taken, why teach them to invent the wheel here when they may have been taken to a place with infinite technology...


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