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Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Money Worship and its Requirement in Society - What Are Your Thoughts?

You may not see it for what it is, but you most likely worship money on a daily basis. We live in a society that worships money and all good citizens simply obey, bow down, and worship the money...

The very action of money worship that we are forced to exercise everyday is in great conflict with the spiritual (or religious) ideals that we claim to uphold. To me, but not most, it is obvious as to why economic problems create such a heavy burden on our souls: we live in a society that believes that one can only survive through the obtainment and consumption of currency.

How Do You Propose That Society Stops Worshipping Money?
I say believe, and you probably think that sounds funny, because you would not only believe this, but you would not be able to imagine a life lived any other way. And why not? Our country took ownership of this land and required its citizens to pay to live on it. By this principal alone, it is essentially illegal to live a life where you do not idealize the obtainment and consumption of currency. You probably even place the idea of obtaining and consuming money above your own natural instincts, including the desire to be happy, many times everyday, simply because the God given land you stand on is not free.

Alternative means of living (ironic that I use 'alternative' to refer to the most natural state of living possible) - like the notion of living freely off the land in peace, dedicating "work hours" to organic means of communal sustainability, charity, and the overall care tending of our land and fellow men - are not tolerated, and as a matter of fact, illegal.

In nature, it does not cost anything to live off of the land, but in society, you must pay for that land. Submission is the only answer for most; insanity is the only excuse for those who disagree.

Debt Based Living Model Is A Sin According To Jesus, But The Great American Way

The rich rules over the poor, and the borrower is the slave of the lender.
- Proverbs 22:7

If you lend money to any of my people with you who is poor, you shall not be like a moneylender to him, and you shall not exact interest from him.
- Exodus 22:25

No one can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and money.
- Matthew 6:24

Americans - and increasingly, everyone else - are forced to live this huge life of indebtedness. Children are raised their entire lives in the public school system, never learning anything regarding self or communal preservation or sustainability - just to be dumped into a life they cannot afford without borrowing money. Want to go to school? Borrow money. Want a place to live? Borrow money. Need some cash to get you through the week? Put it on a credit card - if you can afford to borrow money.

Not only do we consider living outside of your means acceptable, those who do not borrow and create debt are either wealthy beyond the imagination of most people, or too unproductive to warrant any merit in our economic system.

So How Do We Live In A Modern Society Without Worshipping Money?

I have several ideas, some that might get put into print in the future, on how we could start by restructuring many aspects of modern acceptability in education, government, industry, and trust me (I like to talk), a lot more. But at this time, I am very interested in learning about different view points from other people on how we could stop the madness. Society has grown to this point where it seems out of control and too late to do anything about. But what are the things that you see we could do differently to live a life of happiness and thrive at the same time?

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