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Saturday, March 1, 2014

The Power of Potted Plants & Flowers in the Classroom

Indoor potted plants can create stunning decorations, but the benefits of having potted plants and flowers in the classroom go far beyond aesthetics!

The Benefits of Potted Plants & Flowers in the Classroom

Live plants breathe just like you and I breathe, except they inhale carbon dioxide and exhale oxygen, whereas we inhale oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide.

When you have several breathing bodies combined to an enclosed space, everyone starts depleting the oxygen supply, even in states of inactivity. Since the room is (hopefully) not air tight, oxygen will enter the room and nobody should be falling out, however the students are forced to operate with a less than optimal amount of oxygen, which adversely affects the entire learning process.

The Power of Potted Plants & Flowers in the Classroom
When the brain is receiving less than optimal amounts of oxygen, it makes normal tasks increasingly difficult, such as focusing, concentrating, and comprehending.

Even with one or two children operating with less than optimal oxygen circulating through the brain and disruption throughout the whole classroom is abound and can disrupt an entire classroom quickly.

Simply by adding some potted plants or flowers to the classroom, the oxygen supply is constantly being renewed by the plants, maintaining an optimal level of oxygen in the classroom, even as doors and windows are closed for long periods of time.

Colorful flowers in the classroom can encourage creativity in learning students

Bright colors are meant to be beautiful to the eye and even catch our attention. Looking around a room and being able to glimpse a colorful flower and focus in on it sharpens the eye and the act in itself helps activate creativity in the brain.

Adding potted plants and flowers in the classroom not helps get the brain at optimal levels of functionality, but also actually promotes a better learning process. Not to mention the importance of teaching our children to respect and nurture all the gifts of mother nature by tending and caring to live plants from early ages.

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