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Tuesday, September 13, 2016

When Patriotism Becomes Deplorable

God be with those who self-identify as deplorable, a word among the worst in our language. To self-identify as a deplorable actively starts pushing civil rights back in time. Pretty soon, I will hang in a tree next to some other pseudo-classes because we emote evil as savages in the eyes of the just deplorables, who will swear God smiles down upon their acts of terror.

I don't support Hillary or Trump, and I continue to lose faith in this America that I heard of as so damn great, because I constantly witness everyday Americans falling into boxes in which they become labeled and trapped. In my childhood, I remember America as a proud and honorable country. Women, treated as second class citizens, worked together and fought for unity and equality, and although met resistance, demanded their place at the table as the weak minded cowered to the power of unity, the voice of reason. African Americans, treated savagely as animals and slaved to work as such, worked together and fought for unity and equality while meeting even greater resistance, yet they too demanded their place at the table as even more weak minded souls cowered to the power of unity, the voice of reason. Civil rights movements continued long after the women and the blacks achieved their allotted rights. No matter the fight needed in the name of civil rights, the people of this country always won the battle and we always pushed civil rights just a bit further. The progression of our civil rights became so revered that we became the nation of tearing down walls even in other countries.

Now, I start to see a shallower version of America. We want to build walls, separate ourselves from the others, a critical flaw in the citizenry of America because a true American in terms of race does not exist. When the great melting pot builds walls, we become trapped inside a huge box where we learn that walls protect us from the others, the different. Now we must build more walls within our walls. These savages call the same God by a different name, we must not tolerate them. These savage men sleep with other savage men, we must not tolerate them. These savages have skin of a different color, we must not tolerate them. How many walls can we truly build?

Identifying as a deplorable does not endorse your party affiliation; it does not show your support of a candidate. It defines you as a person.

What God fearing person justly explains abstract hatred?

I don't care who you vote for, but please do not feed the fire of hatred, the fire of hell. This deplorable phenomenon could violently ring louder than presidential campaigns and could echo in time way beyond this rigged, fake ass election if it becomes glorified and upheld in our collective conscious.

To use one of the shallowest arguments from a childish mentality I have ever witnessed: if you have a problem with America as a free nation where all lives receive civil liberty, dignity, and respect, you could just leave…

Yet we all know that this corrodes true American ideology. As true Americans, we slay those existing in peace on land that we would like to claim as our own, we enslave those existing in peace on land with different ways of life, and we continually root out differences encountered in our ‘home’ land through violent acts of crime, rape, and murder.

It takes a cold hearted, shallow minded, evil, despicable person to find honor as a deplorable – please, I beg you, do not find comfort or complacency in such a deplorable label. Stop building boxes. Stop fostering hatred and discrimination. Please remember your spot at the table as just as earned as the person next to you, regardless of skin color, religious affiliations, or geographical location of their birth. Every being on this planet exists as one, and until we embrace that in this country, pride in America means nothing. Another lie we hear, like our history, like our out of control government.

My individual good will always surpass my nationalism; patriotism means nothing to me when patriotism becomes deplorable.

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