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Tuesday, September 6, 2016

#HackingHillary's Labor Day Coughing Attacks & Hillary Clinton's Potential Health Problems

As mainstream media assures us Hillary Clinton suffers no medical conditions, a contrary hashtag trends in social media – #HackingHillary – which follows another recent hashtag that placed Clinton’s health at the center of the national spotlight: #HillaryStools.

Mainstream Media "Reporting"

Mainstream media, per usual, quickly divided into two polar extreme opinions: Clinton remains in perfect health and all occurrences of her sickly appearances amount to simple conspiracy attacks from the right; Clinton suffers extremely from medical issues, including brain damage, that the left conspires to hide from the eyes of the public. In true American fashion, only these two options exist, no need for corporate media to waste time looking at any evidence further.

In fact, not only did corporate media deem her alleged health problems unworthy of coverage, but they may have completely refused to tolerate any such coverage. Dr. Drew Pinsky, board-certified medicine specialist and television personality, spoke about Clinton’s health, citing information she released publicly, “based on the information that she has provided and her doctors have provided, we [became] gravely concerned not just about her health, but her health care…”

Subsequently, Dr. Drew’s television show “Dr. Drew On Call” got cancelled. According to online reports, CNN demanded that Dr. Drew retract his comment on Clinton’s brain injury, he refused to comply, and his show got terminated. Officially, Dr. Drew and HLN, CNN’s sister company, state the show would have ended on the same date of termination due to programming changes, although online reports state sources claim Dr. Drew fears angering Clinton further and will not push the issue forward.

Another instance of this intolerance of Clinton’s health reporting surfaced when The Huffington Post abruptly terminated one of their reporters, David Seaman, and deleted two of his articles from their website that referenced Clinton’s health, without even informing Seaman of his termination. The two articles deleted appeared as “Hillary Clinton’s Health Super (Aside from Seizures, Lesions, Adrenaline Pens)” and “Donald Trump Challenges Hillary Clinton to Health Records Duel.” As Seaman discovered his firing on his own, he uploaded a video to YouTube stating “I’ve honestly never seen anything like this, and happening in the United States in 2016. I frankly [feel] a little scared.”

Clinton Coughs Through Labor Day Appearances

From either side of the fence, however, Clinton’s Labor Day campaigning resulted in two separate coughing attacks that cannot simply be dismissed, one coughing fit even rendering her incapable of continuing with her speech.

Clinton joked that thinking of Donald Trump made her allergic. While mainstream media did acknowledge these two coughing fits, they still continue with the previous narrative that Clinton’s health remains excellent, while many still feel very skeptical of her actual state of health.

More #HackingHillary

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