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Sunday, September 11, 2016

Remembering 9/11, the Questions to Come, & the Questions that Remain

Today citizens of the United States remember the victims and brave firefighters and volunteers that all starred in a horrific moment of world history. Thousands died, and several thousand more suffer greatly even to this day over the murder of their loved ones.

The 9/11 Legislative 2 Step

Friday – September 9, 2016 – seemingly to provide legal closure to families of victims, a bill passed allowing families of 9/11 victims to sue the Saudis for damages. While receiving overwhelming support from our governing body, the White House threatened to veto the bill over diplomatic concerns with Saudi Arabia as an ally.

Interestingly enough, however, that same day, the White House declassified 28 pages of a 9/11 report – previously classified by President George W. Bush, protecting either intelligence of financier leads or the diplomacy between an allied nation, or both – that generated much speculation while resting quietly out of public scrutiny for over 13 years in a Capitol basement. Those 28 pages admit we have not linked possible financiers of the terrorists to the Saudi Arabian government definitively.

The release of these 28 pages received support from family members who intend to take their cases against the Saudis to court – possibly implicating the Saudi Arabian government if able to establish those connections – and from the Saudi Arabian government who states this measure will squash the notion that their government facilitated the attacks.

"Since 2002, the 9/11 Commission and several government agencies, including the CIA and the FBI, have investigated the contents of the '28 Pages' and have confirmed that neither the Saudi government, nor senior Saudi officials, nor any person acting on behalf of the Saudi government provided any support or encouragement for these attacks," Abdullah Al-Saud, Saudi Arabia's ambassador to the United States.

Many thought these 28 pages would offer more concrete evidence – a smoking gun – against the Saudi Arabian government, yet only offer leads and more questions.

It seems to me these two acts suggest our government hopes that family members of victims will somehow find evidence in their cases against the Saudis that national intelligence could not produce. If these family members that pursue cases against the Saudis do not generate enough evidence to receive financial compensations – which I see as a very likely scenario – then after all of the hassle, we will still stand in this same place, unable to link these horrific attacks to the Saudi Arabian government. Conversely, if family members do succeed, new questions will arise:

• How could these families of 9/11 victims, pursing their cases, generate more evidence than our national intelligence regarding the financial associations between suspected (possibly confirmed) financiers and the Saudi Arabian government?

• Why would President Bush keep this information classified, even through the end of his second term, knowing that the information would alter, for better or worse, our ability to implicate the Saudi Arabian government, or not?

• Why would President Barack Obama continue to keep classified these 28 pages knowing that no implicating information had been obtained and the matter of diplomacy void as even the Saudi Arabian government requested the declassification of this information?

Considering the lack of information obtained from the 28 pages, considering the conflicts existing between the declassified information and the bill passed on Friday, did we do anything? Will families win their cases, or will these cases become highly profiled exploitations with empty results predicted, empty results achieved?

The 9/11 Shuffle Before the 2 Step

These questions in the air and the multitude of possible questions to arise out of this situation could distract from the current issue that many vocalize on this anniversary of 9/11 – the simple fact that hundreds of other questions regarding that faithful day – very real, honest, rightful questions – remain unanswered to this day.

One of the simplest unanswered questions comes from Dr. Judy Wood, who has presented her disapproval of the findings of 9/11 commission in court, and to the public for over a decade in books and presentations all over the world:

Where did the towers go?

Dr. Judy Wood and hundreds of other people of different professions, with varying degrees of education and political experience, have pleaded extensively to all Americans to ask why the official investigations do not accurately, scientifically reflect what happened on September 11, 2001.

Many people become offended and enraged at the mere thought of official reports containing any fallacies, the mere idea of any inaccuracy, especially with any implied malicious context, equates a huge disgrace to the countless victims of those tragic attacks. I just do not know how to console people with those views, especially as the number of people stating simple facts that discredit official reports grows daily. Other nations have even expressed conflicts of our official story and the intelligence that they have gathered.

Many people may even become offended by accepting international criticism of the 9/11 attacks as those countries have no business or no role in our country. To people agreeing, I ask, does America treat other nations with such impartiality? Of course not! Our involvement in foreign nations, most certainly post 9/11, has led us to a very unstable moment in history where international conflict threatens peace and the lives of hundreds of thousands of civilians exceedingly – in fact, many have died and die at this very moment due to our involvement, that escalated exponentially as a result of the September 11, 2001 attacks, attributed to terrorists.

After fifteen years has passed, there exists no atrocity greater to the lives lost than not finding the real truth behind those terrorist attacks. To anyone claiming questions disrespect the lives of thousands lost, I say your silence disrespects above and beyond any terrorist. We must not let these lives lost remain without true explanation. We must seek the truth, which unfortunately requires our admission that official reports reflected errors. The day that our government truthfully explains exactly what happened to the Twin Towers, to the Pentagon, to World Trade Center building 7, might become the day we begin to track the real terrorists. We must not allow our government to rewrite the history of what really happened on September 11, 2001 and we most certainly must question profusely why they have tried – and so far has succeeded.


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