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Monday, June 4, 2012

Mitt Romney An Unapologetic Liar

Mitt Romney has absolutely pissed me off; it’s that plain and simple. It also pisses me off that there does not seem to be any sort of ethical guidelines or regulations to presidential candidates and the campaigns that they manage.

Mitt Romney is straight up lying to the American people, intentionally misquoting sound clips of Barack Obama, lying about his accomplishments in public office and possibly his own businesses (job creation?), and more, and this son of a bitch has the audacity to just say, “what’s sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander.”

He’s lying in commercials and does not care!

No. I’m sorry, but anyone that is going to run this kind of propaganda and straight-up lie while campaigning for the Office of the President is most certainly going to lie about anything and everything that may or may not matter when he has achieved that position and authority.

To me, it is crystal clear: Mitt Romney is a money hungry, egotistical, borderline criminal force of evil that only wants to influence regulations that will allow him, his businesses, his associations, etc. to maximize profit (for the interest of the investors, no less – that’s most likely not you) and benefit exponentially at the expense of the economy, the middle class, and maybe the entire sovereignty of our nation.

We cannot trust this man!

By the way, Mitt Romney is lying about how good he was as the mayor of Massachusetts. Examples include state job creation was far below that of most states in the country and he invested money into alternative energy companies that went kaput, which is exactly what he criticizes Obama for doing with Solyndra. This is text book wrong.

Mitt Romney is arrogant and he does not care about you… unless you are super rich… and probably not even then…

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