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Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Caiden Cowger Gay Belief Rant

NOTE: This is partly written with the idea that Caiden Cowger himself will stumble across this post and read it, which admittedly is just a fantasy of mine. I know full well that that will most likely not happen. (Email me if you do, though - I would love to be interviewed on that little talk radio show of yours.)

This kid has some convictions, doesn’t he? I wish that I was this sure about anything in my life…

I hate that this child feels that there is “a big problem with not being allowed to convert other people to my religion.” It is exactly this sentiment, this lack of compassion for diversity that fuels hatred in all levels of day to day life, from minor racial discriminations (not that racism is not a huge deal to anyone effected, I just mean incidents of racism without violence involved), to major hate crimes and acts of violence, and even to wars between our countries.

I believe that everyone should have the right to believe whatever they choose to believe, whether I approve of it or not, provided that no harm is caused to myself or others in the name of those beliefs.

I encourage conversation between members of various viewpoints, as conversation is often the first step to enlightenment or understanding. Acknowledgment is not necessarily acceptance; acknowledgment without acceptance is but tolerance.

However, it is no one’s right to convert me into anything, just like I do not have the right to convert anyone else to anything. If civil conversation leads me to the conviction that you hope for, great! If not, take a deep breath and wish for the best of all parties involved.

This moron thinks his rights are compromised by my philosophy, which I feel is perfectly fair – and I invite your thoughts and viewpoints on my beliefs!

This child is also talking about people his age suddenly “becoming gay” whereas they were not gay before - when they were younger, and hello, prepubescent. When I was a child, like most, I was not sexually attracted to anybody so I obviously did not understand, relate to, or identify with being gay myself.

In middle school, at about his age, I had a girlfriend and we made out once playing Spin-The-Bottle. Right now, I could not drink the bottle and want to make out with a girl – I am gay, which is something I now know, but did not know when I was his age, because nobody at that age really knows anything.

This is precisely why I almost do not even want to touch the main point of this child: President Obama and Vice President Joe Biden promote homosexuality in young people. Really, Sir Know Everything?

Cowger, when you are old enough to have a sexual urge, be it for a female or another male, you can tell me how natural it is. FYI, if homosexuality is something that you have to “turn away from,” you might have a hard day facing yourself in front of the mirror one day. But don’t worry, somebody somewhere will be around to remind you that it is okay to be who you know you are, and that yes, you were born that way, even if it is just the radio playing a Lady Gaga song.

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